دعا دی فضیلت اتے سرائیکی لوک دعائیں
Dua is a great form of worship, which has many noble verses and hadiths about its greatness and excellence. One of the wisdom in the greatness of prayer is that dua is an expression of our love for Allah Ta'ala a sign of our servitude before his glory a manifestation of our trust and confidence in his knowledge, power and gifts, and in his holy nature. It is the confession and proof of our faith.
Our belief is that all honours, greatness, powers, treasures, possessions, kingdoms belong to him. He is the giver of all and the giver of glvers. The whole creation is in need of his court and in question in his court, while the almighty God is needless, rich, careless and free from all needs. Yes, he is kind and gracious, forgives and pours out rivers of kindness. Even if billions of treasures are given to one individual, his treasures are given to one individual, his a needle, and if he does not give anything to someone, no one can take it away from him. If eh wants to give it to someone, no one can stop him, and if he stops it from someone, then no one can give ti to him.
When we pray, this belief and faith about Allah Ta'ala is present in our heart and mind consciously or unconsciously, which is molded into the form of prayer in tha form of words and phrases. Keep this wisdom in front and consider that when dua is an expression of such a great faith, why should it not be called a higy level of worship but the core of worship. Folk prayers are a great treasure of Saraiki folk literature. These prayers are very important in people's life and culture. Young, old, young, man, women offer prayers when they meet each other. Instead of worldly transactions, the formula of spiritual transactions applies to human beings. Prayer is actually the first contact between human beings. Whose words have been chosen according to the social and moral value of the addressee.
When did people start praying? we connot say for sure about this. Anyway It can be said that dadina started when one person fell in love with another, that is, when one person tried to remove the other person's problems. Happy people love. In the home of Saraiki people, when a child is born, the mother starts praying and the best example of this is giving the baby a lori (praying songs).

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