اجتہاد ی افکار و قانون کی تشکیل میں دینی سیاسی جماعتوں کا کردار پاکستانی تناظر میں


  • ڈاکٹر عبد الغفار, عطا الرحمن Author


In the Pakistani context, the role of religious parties has not been limited to constitutional requirements but has also been important in maintaining Islamic identity at the social and political levels. These parties have expressed their views on issues of educational curriculum, women's rights, protection of minorities, and social justice. However, these parties have always faced various challenges, such as diverse sectarian ideologies, political divisions, and the need to create harmony with modern democratic requirements. The involvement of religious parties in politics, on the one hand, has attempted to bring constitutional and legal development closer to Islamic values, while on the other hand, they have also been criticized for sometimes prioritizing their ideological goals by putting other political and social issues on the back burner. In today's era, an analysis of the role of religious parties is also important in the context of how they create a balance between modernity and traditional Islamic principles, and maintain a strong position for themselves in the diverse social structure of Pakistan. The struggle of these parties has enriched the constitutional history of Pakistan with profound effects not only religiously but also politically. Since Pakistan is an Islamic ideological state and its existence has been established in the name of Islam, it is necessary to examine the role played by religious political parties in the formation of the constitution and law from the inception of the state, and to make it possible to formulate a modern constitution and legislation in the light of the ideas and suggestions of such thinkers and critics.


