پنجابی ناول "وبا تے وسیب "از نین سکھ کا موضوعاتی مطالعہ


  • ڈاکٹر سمیر ا اکبر،ڈاکٹر عبد العزیز ملک Author


Humans have faced many epidemics in different periods of history. Recently He faced the dangerous epidemic of COVID-19. Epidemics and their effects on human’s life have always been the subject of literature. A lot of literature has been created on the Corona epidemic in world languages and and Pakistani languages also. “Waba tay Waseeb” by Nain Sukh is such a Punjabi novel which is based on COVID-19.  The novel reflects the isolation, sadness and fear spread by the lockdown very well. In this novel, the individual and collective problems faced by man of modern world have been depicted. Modern man, who was already lonely and isolated, became even more isolated and alienated by this epidemic. Globalization, Corporate Culture, Industrial revolution and its effects on third world countries are also discussed in this novel.


