سفارتی تعلقات کے لیے ثقافتی ترویج کے اداروں کا قیام اسلامی تعلیمات سے رہنمائی


  • روبینہ شاہین, ڈاکٹر انوار اللہ Author


The fact is that Western civilization, the Western way of thinking and its inductive and analytical style are indebted to Islamic civilization, but this cannot be acceptable to Spengler because he advocates for a permanent gulf between different cultures. This is because Spengler can say that Western culture has been influenced by Islamic culture in its interpretation and formation. To admit this would itself undermine his self-sufficient concept of culture. It is obvious that such a view cannot be acceptable to Spengler, for if it is possible to show that the anti-classical spirit of modern culture is due to the inspiration which it received from the culture immediately preceding it, the whole argument of Spengler regarding the complete mutual independence of cultural growth would collapse.


