ڈاکٹرمحمدعلامہ اقبالؒ اورمشاہیرِ کشمیر
Kashmir is a piece of Paradise on the earth and rich in the bounties of nature. This land has given the birth to renowned heroes of knowledge, wisdom and bravery. Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal was a great figure of Islamic World of the 20th Century. He was Kashmiri Brahman and Sapru by cast. He was very proud of his Kashmiri ancestry. Iqbal played a vital role in the freedom struggle of Kashmir. Iqbal was inspired by eminent personalities of Kashmir. Iqbal has praised Shahab-ud-Din’sbravery, courage, justice because ruler like Shahab-ud-Din will never reborn in Kashmir. Ghani Kashmiri was the great poet of Persian in Kashmir. He was a mystic and a solitary man. Muhammad Din Fauq was a scholarly and literary figure in Kashmir. He was Iqbal’s contemporaries and compatriots. Iqbal awarded him the title of Mujaddid ul Kashamrah. Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor is the national poet of Kashmir. Mahjoor’s words reflect Iqbal’s thoughts and messages. He is the Iqbal of Kashmir and patriotic poet. Abdul Ahad Azad is the eminent poet of Kashmir. He is the poet of revolution and humanity in Kashmir. Azad tought love, unity and mutual unity through his words. Iqbal considered all these personalities for the implementation of his dreams in the Kashmir.

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