Validity of Individual Peacebuilding Module at Elementary Level in Pakistan: An Experimental Study


  • Asifa Bano,Dr Shafqat Ali Author


The focus of this study was on the development and validation of for individual peacebuilding module (IPM). The scholars developed module comprised of six units, based on literature review and the concept of individual peace presented by Casto and Galace (2019). To validate the module, a pre-experimental design (one group pre-test-post-test) was used. For pre- and post-test evaluation, a self-made exam consisting of thirty multiple-choice questions (MCQs) was created. Thirty-eight (38) eighth-grade girls' public school pupils were pre-tested, given a 22-hour treatment plan that included teaching them the Modular Approach (MA) for Individual Peacebuilding Values (IPVs), and then retested. Data were analyzed by applying paired samples t-test. Before and after the treatment, there was a significant change in the pupils' proficiency in individual peacebuilding (IP). In comparison to the pre-test, the students' mean score on the post-test was greater. As a result, it can be said that the IP training module is both legitimate and successful. Based on MA, the Pakistani government can suggest an independent elementary-level course on individual peacebuilding. Special training to use this module and the assessment tool to school teachers may be arranged.


