21st Century Skills 4 C’s in Higher Education English Language Classroom: Teachers' Perspectives
English Language teachers recognize that English language Teaching and learning have evolved significantly in the 21st century, driven by the need to equip students with skills that are relevant in a rapidly changing global landscape. This research explores the incorporation of 21st-century skills, represented by the 4C's (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), into the curricula of Higher Education institutions in Pakistan at the undergraduate level, as perceived by educators. Employing a quantitative approach, the research analyzes data obtained through a survey questionnaire to examine the extent to which existing syllabi align with the pedagogical requirements of 21st-century skills, as perceived by English language teachers. The findings revealed that the comprehensive adoption and implementation of the 4 C's are not fully realized within the syllabi of Higher Education Universities and Colleges in Pakistan. The research provides valuable perspectives on the present condition of curriculum development within the framework of 21st-century skills. The outcomes of this study contribute valuable insights to modify syllabi for English language education in Pakistan's Higher Education context.

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