Cultural Feminism and Gender Dynamics in Juno and the Paycock by Sean O’Casey


  • Surayya Malik, Syeda Natasha Batool, Dr. Saiqa Siddiq Danish Author


The significance of this paper is to analyse Sean O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock by employing the framework of Cultural Feminism with special reference to gender, class as well as identity in pre-independence Ireland. Thus, focusing on major female character—characters of Juno, Mrs. Boyle, and Mary, the research aims to define how O’Casey, through such subversive way, undermines the patriarchal and social orders of the period. The paper also focuses on proving or negating the moulding of women as restricted in the play through the use of the three main female characters to depict their strength in limiting conditions. From an examination of the roles and relationships at the family Boyle family, the paper shows inequality and certain challenges faced by women in the society. Thus it reaffirms the timeliness of Juno and the Paycock and also analyze the socio historical and cultural practice context of O’Casey’s work. Finally, this post-critical analysis reaffirms the play as a commentary on the women’s right triumphant and submissive, an aspect putting it in the limelight of the contemporary as well as post-renaissance conventional concern of impact, gender, faction, and variety.


