اسلامی فکر کی تشکیل جدید اور علوم سیرت کے احیاء کیلئے ڈاکٹر محمد حمید اللہ کی فکری بصیرت اور لائحہ عمل
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah is a multifaceted and multi-authored personality. His extensive academic and research services include more than 165 books and about a thousand research articles on diverse and varied topics. There is hardly any field of Islamic sciences and arts that is directly or indirectly related to the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Dr. Hamidullah has not left research and writings on it. Quranic studies, history, compilation of Hadith and international Islamic law were his special fields. A study of his books shows that the Islamization of knowledge is as if he is indebted to him. He was a beautiful blend of ancient and modern Muslim scholarly traditions who enlightened Muslim thought with new perspectives. For example, your book The Muslim Conduct of State is a major achievement in the field of Islamic law, the search for the early manuscripts of the Seerah of Ibn Ishaq and Al-Waqidi's Kitab Al-Raddah is a major achievement in the field of Islamic law, the search for the texts of the Covenant of Medina and the search for the first written constitution of the world, which has no parallel in human history. You published the important manuscript of Allama Ibn Qayyim's "Ahkam Ahl al-Dhammah" among the jurisprudential sources on international law, which proved that you are the innovator and founder of international law in the modern era. The credit for transferring the scientific research of Imam Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafi'i (RA) and Imam Muhammad bin Hassan Al-Shaibani (RA) to the new generation in a new dimension and according to the modern scientific method goes to him. From here, a special interest in the diplomacy of the Prophet (PBUH) develops and then he writes on the system of governance in the era of the Prophet (PBUH), the justice and fairness of the state of Medina and the style of governance. He has written important books like the political life of the Prophet (PBUH), the battlefields of the era of the Prophet (PBUH), and wrote "The Prophet of Islam: Life and Achievements" in French. He also has the honor of presenting scientific research in many languages of the world, English, French, German, and Urdu. The scientific essence of all your books, articles, and research is your sermons given at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, which were given at the request of the then President of Pakistan, which are known as "The Bahawalpur Sermons". Due to the scholarly excellence and grandeur of these sermons, they have been translated and published in many languages. Due to globalization, there is a need for the scholarly research of Dr. Sahib to be presented to the academic world in light of new research angles, which has been guided towards in this article.

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