کلمۃ النحواصطلاحا ولغویا (خاصۃ دراسۃ)
Syntax mean, arrangement of words in sentences, clauses, phrases, and the study regarding other information of sentences and the relationship of their component parts. In Arabic Language the term نحو is used to express Syntax. Syntax is very compulsory to understand the meanings of Arabic Text . There are two major school of thoughts regarding syntax in Arabic like as Koofi and Basree Grammarians .
The article reflects the importance of النحو through the light of great Arabic Grammarians .We have succeeded to present definitions of the word نحو in this short article . The article has great importance among the scholars of Arabic Language and Literature and the scholars of Qur’anic and rest of Islamic sciences.The Grammarians ,who has contributed in the regard are as under: Al Kasaai, Seebway,Al Akhfish ,Ibn Malik,Ibn Hashaam,Ibn Aqeel and Khalil bin Ahmad Al Faraheedi etc.The artcle conssistes on his valuable opinions regarding نحو comprehensively.
The article reflects valuable views of these Grammarians regarding deffination of the word Nahaw. We find little bit deference among the definitions .The article describes various shades of the meanings of this particular term of rhetoric and linguistic with suitable examples . We hope the article would be beneficial for the students of Arabic Language and Literature and rest Islamic studies.

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