Chatbots as Conversational Partners: Their Effectiveness in Facilitating Language Acquisition and Reducing Foreign Language Anxiety
In language education, AI has become of great interest, especially for the improvement of learners' experience and the amelioration of existing difficulties. Among the most important problems encountered in learning a foreign language, there is language anxiety, since this factor hinders or stops learners from practicing and thus improve their language efficiently. The current study will dwell on the effectiveness of chatbots as conversational interlocutors in promoting SLA and reducing foreign language anxiety. More precisely, this study examines how chatbot-mediated interactions affect speaking fluency, vocabulary development, and the communicative competence of language learners. This was done through a quantitative approach applied to 320 language learners for 8 continuous weeks. The sample was measured for gains in language proficiency through quantitative data collected via pre- and post-language proficiency tests. The findings revealed that the participants realized an average gain of 22% in speaking proficiency test scores, with a 19% increase in vocabulary retention. Besides, 85% of the learners felt that communicative confidence had increased. Data analysis also indicated that language learning anxiety decreased significantly, with 78% of the participants reporting decreases in anxiety levels. These findings indicate that the non-judgmental nature of these AI-powered chatbots created more comfort and increased frequency among the learners. These results thus lead to the suggestion that one of the potential roles of chatbots in language learning is that of a supplementary tool, offering a low-pressure environment for consistent practice with less anxiety. Thus, educators and curriculum developers could also provide a conversational exercise so that learners can build up their language skills without the fear of judgment through chatbot technology integrated into existing language programs. Further research might go toward long-term effects on language proficiency resulting from chatbot interactions, and investigate any impact related to different age groups or proficiency levels. This study furthers the growing literature in the field of technology-enhanced language learning by highlighting the knowledge gaps regarding how conversational AI might directly influence language anxiety and proficiency, therefore providing answers to how to better improve the whole process of language learning.

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