Move Structure Analysis of Preface Section of Urdu and English Novels: A Comparative Study


  • Kishwar Sultana,Rabia Sarwat,Memoona Fida Author


The present study is a comparison of move structures found in the preface sections of the literary genre of novels of two languages; Urdu and English. The reason particularly behind choosing these two languages is that Urdu is national language of Pakistan and English has got a huge readership in Pakistan because of being the language of the colonized people with a prestigious impact even in the current trends. For the study, the researchers selected Swales model, CARS, as a sample but a great variation was found in the move structures of novels prefaces of the two languages. That is why, the researchers have devised names of almost all discovered moves. Then dominating move was move of subject of the story with varied distributions according to the author. None of the author has followed any specific pattern of opening or closing or preceding moves of the prefaces. The study can be helpful in exploring more moves shaping the novels prefaces. Further it can also give an in sight to see some more differences that exist between prefaces of this literary genre of two different languages.


