اوڏڪي ٻوليءَ جي وياڪرڻي خصوصيتن جو تحقيقي اڀياس
Phuloo, Ancient, Inhabidant, Sindh, Meghwar, Oad, Oadki, Dhatki, Parkri, Marwari, Language, Linguistics, Culture, Indus Valley, History, Anthropology.Abstract
Oad community is one of the original inhabitants of Sindh, their language is Oadki. Even though it has been passing through many stages of prosperity for centuries. It has taken thousands of years to develop this language. From some historical sources or written books, it is revealed that the original race of Oad is mainly related to Mohan-jo-Daro. The Odiki language is rooted in the civilization of Mohan-jo-Daro. Even if it is such an ancient and rich language in terms of history and culture, no research has been done on it yet. Is Oadki is separate language or is it an idiom or dialect of Sindhi or any other language? What is the historical, linguistic, or cultural background of the Odaki language? Does the language have its distinctive features? Does the language have its vocabulary? Many questions like these are waiting to be explored. In other words, due to the lack of work on any aspect of linguistics, and due to the influence of neighboring and foreign languages, the language is under threat. Rhetoric, rules of sentence structure, and many other beautiful linguistic principles become obsolete over time. Which will be the loss of the historical heritage of the languages of the Indus Valley.
In this article, it is tried to highlight the greatness, importance, and richness of the Oadki language by highlighting the unique features of the language, also for further research.

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