سائرہ ہاشمی کے ناولوں میں کردار نگاری کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • ڈاکٹر نورین کھوکھر ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر شعبہ اردو، ایف سی کالج یونی ورسٹی لاہور Author


Novel is an important genre in Urdu prose. It is a prose story that presents a true picture of life with the help of imagination and reality. Saira Hashmi presents the bitter realities of life by traveling from dream to realization in her novels. The characters of her novels walk around us with all the human weaknesses. Covers psychology well. Apart from social issues, Saira Hashmi's writings set high standards of dignity and sanctity of relationships. This article presents a critical study of the same characters presented by Saira Hashmi.


